Re: Any Suggestions?

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 10-08-92 (18:00)             Number: 2
From: JAMES VAHN                   Refer#: 349
  To: QUINN TYLER JACKSON           Recvd: NO  
Subj: Re: Any Suggestions?           Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
QTJ> 4. ..... ........ ..... ..... ......, ... ... set BIT 3210
QTJ> of Register 4DH to 1001 -> ...., BIT 3210 of Register
QTJ> 4EH to 0100 -> .. and BIT 7,6 of Register 4FH to
QTJ> enable.

QTJ> Do you have ANY idea how I can do this in BASIC, or QC 2.5?  Or,
QTJ> perhaps there is another way to set the CMOS registers directly like
QTJ> that....  You see, my system needs to be told it has 4M, and setting
QTJ> registers is not allowed the the POST CMOS setup on my system.
QTJ> Any help would be appreciated.

I caught your message on the rebound Quinn.  My machine was stuck
with 512k until I tried booting with the INS key held down.  This
is a 286/12 MB1212C with AMI BIOS & SCAT.

To somewhat answer your Basic question, to read/write CMOS try
the following examples.  Be forewarned, the time and date will be

'cmos2dsk.bas   saves CMOS values to disk.
OPEN "cmos.dat" FOR OUTPUT AS #1
FOR Cmos = &H0 TO &H3F
        OUT &H70, Cmos
        Byte% = INP(&H71)
        PRINT #1, CHR$(Byte%);

'cmos2ram.bas  reads the disk and writes to CMOS RAM.
OPEN "cmos.dat" FOR BINARY AS #1
        OUT &H70, CMOS
        GET #1, , Byte
        OUT &H71, ASC(Byte)

The sad part of this is that the XCMOS values from the info on
the Setup screen that you seem to be looking for should be from
40h to 4Fh but I just can't seem to effect the system here.
Perhaps they have another port address other than 70h & 71h ??

I've not found any CMOS utility that will save this info.

If none of this helps, try calling your BIOS mfr.  The phone
number might be found in the ROM.  If it's an AMI BIOS, the phone
number is 404-263-8181 voice and the BBS number is 404-246-8780
HST only.

 * SLMR 2.1a *
Outer Court
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