Re: File's date and time

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 11-04-92 (16:50)             Number: 329
From: TONY ELLIOTT                 Refer#: NONE
  To: ROBERT CHURCH                 Recvd: NO  
Subj: Re: File's date and time       Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
 -=> Quoting Robert Church to All <=-

 RC> How do I get the date and time from the Dos DTA?  I've got the DTA
 RC> structure and the FindFirst/FindNext routines, but how do I convert
 RC> the bit-mapped time and date portions of the DTA structure to
 RC> integers?  Thanks

Both the date and time are stored in DTA in 16 bits (integers). Here's
a couple of functions we use to convert the bit maps into strings:

    '--convert DOS file date to a date string
    '--date format MM-DD-YY

    UDate& = Date%
    IF UDate& < 0 THEN               'convert to unsigned integer
        UDate& = UDate& + 65536
    END IF

    Yr% = UDate& \ 512
    Mth% = (UDate& MOD 512) \ 32
    Dy% = UDate& - Yr% * 512 - Mth% * 32
    Yr% = Yr% + 1980

    FileDate$ = RIGHT$(STR$(Mth% + 100), 2) + "-" + _
            RIGHT$(STR$(100 + Dy%), 2) + "-" + RIGHT$(STR$(Yr%), 2)


    '--convert DOS file time to string
    '--time format HH:MM

    UTime& = Time%
    IF UTime& < 0 THEN                   'convert to unsigned integer
        UTime& = UTime& + 65536
    END IF
    Hr% = UTime& \ 2048
    Mnt% = (UTime& MOD 2048) \ 32

    FileTime$ = RIGHT$(STR$(100 + Hr%), 2) + ":" +_
             RIGHT$(STR$(100 + Mnt%), 2)


Good luck!


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